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Updated: May 19, 2020

Squash is a racket sport where two players rally against a wall and attempt to serve a ball fast enough so their opponent cannot return the ball.

Squash was popularized in early 19th Century Britain, and has continued to be played throughout Europe and the United States. In each game, or rally, one player serves a rubber ball against a wall, and attempts to serve the ball fast enough to where it bounces twice before the opposing player can return it. Credited as a high intensity sport, squash players can burn up to 1000 calories per hour of play.

How do you score squash?

You can score in four ways: the ball bounces twice before the opponent hits the ball, the ball hits the backboard, the ball goes out of bounds, or a player intentionally tries to stop their opponents from getting the ball.

How long is a squash match?

A squash match can last from 20-minutes to 90-minutes depending on the level of the players and the setting of the game. Squash is a quick pace sport and can be started and finished quickly if both players are familiar with the rules.

What is the difference between squash and racquetball?

Squash rackets and balls are smaller than racquetball. Another difference is that there is an “out of bounds” area on the squash court and there isn’t once in racquetball. In both sports, come rules are similar, yet the scoring limit is different: squash is scored up to 9 points and racquetball matches are scored to 15.

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